Sunday, July 13, 2008

Civic duty calls

Here is a snippet from a phone call I had with my dad earlier this week:

Dad: You got some mail here today
Me: Oh yeah? Is it a check or a bill? I prefer a check 
Dad: Neither, but you have been picked for something
Me: Really? What's that?
Dad: Jury duty
Me: Shut up, no I wasn't, really?
Dad: Yep, I'm mailing the summons to you today. I would have called the courthouse myself to tell them you can't serve but I'm afraid they'll look me up and ask me to serve instead and I don't want that
Me: Thanks dad *grumble grumble* Sure send the alleged summons

So yesterday the letter from dad arrived in the mail and sadly this is what was in there....

An official jury summons for Wisconsin. It's been about 5 years since I was last called for jury duty and apparently when I renewed my WI driver's license last summer, I was moved up in the line. Well at least that's what I think happened. Crap.

Tomorrow I will have to call the local courthouse to see if they can give me an extension or release me from serving, considering I don't live in Wisconsin anymore or pay taxes there, but I still hold a Wisconsin driver's license and just this year declared myself an Illinois resident.

When I shared this unhappy news, someone told me to go get an Illinois driver's license, but I don't want to give up my Wisconsin one. I know it's dumb and honestly I have no good reason to keep it, but I don't want an Illinois license. The vain part of me says that because I don't want a new driver's license photo. Look at my current one, I look really cute and my last two driver's license pictures looked AWFUL. I can't let this go, I'm adorable!

Fingers crossed the Wisconsin court house is lenient with me. Otherwise I'll have to figure out how to handle this little mess then.

Damn you civic duty.


  1. I have a drivers license picture that I really like too! I dont want to renew my license next year because I am afraid it wont be cute.

    Good luck with the jury duty situation!

  2. I went through a John Grisham phase back before I was old enough to serve on jury duty, and nerd that I was (am), I really WANTED to! And here I am, 9 years into registered-voter land, and not one call. I'm like the last kid chosen for kickball.

    And Missouri refuses to change my license picture till mine expires. Even when I lost one license they would not take a new pic. Bitches.

  3. You can usually postpone jury duty, but it's very difficult to actually get out of....even if you don't live in the state.

    I have jury duty next week. Not on a specific day, though. I have to call each and every day next week to see if I have to report. Convenient? Not so much.

  4. Aw- hopefully you can get out of it!
    I had a really great campus ID that I loved.. until I lost it. I never planned on getting a new one until I absolutely had to- my online class wouldn't let me log in without it- and needless to say, the new picture is HORRIBLE. I'm still mad about that. I was even more upset when I eventually found the old ID, all pretty and such, and was told I couldn't use it since I had updated. Ugh.

  5. the same thing happened to me a few weeks ago!

    i got summoned in Canton (my hometown) i had to send them proof that i was no longer living in canton and was a registered voter in cuyahoga county (cleveland)

    no thanks jury duty!

    although i last time i did do i was voted the foreman! only me

  6. here is a tip- don't forget to go and instead go to a track meet and then tell them that someone died so that they don't arrest you...because then you are on the top of the list and you still end up going....

    true story

  7. Well if not, then you get a semi-paid vacation, right? Even if it is one that might require you to sit through a trial of some sort.

  8. I just recently was called for NYC! I sneakily called up and postponed for three months... at which time I, too, will be an IL resident! Oops!

  9. I would think that you're IL resident status would automatically make you in-eligible in WISC because you're no longer a "jury of their peers" i.e. a Wisc resident. But maybe I'm crazy?

  10. That is a pretty kick ass driver's license photo.

  11. When you told me this yesterday I forgot to say "waah waah waaaaah!"

    nice pic

  12. I got called for jury duty at my parents address. It isn't too far away from where I live now, but it still would have been a hassle to go. I just had to write a letter to the courthouse and tell them I lived in a different jurisdiction. They transferred me, and I didn't have to serve. Maybe you can do the same thing.

  13. Last time I was called for jury duty I didn't even respond. I figured they're too busy to track down everybody that doesn't show I'm probably wanted by the police.

  14. I FORGOT about my jury duty summons in May. Completely forgot. My mom, thinking I'd have a warrant out for my immediate arrest, made me cal to reschedule. SO ANNOYING.

  15. Oh no! Nothing worse than losing a great photo - but I can't wait to change my passport because THAT was a horrific one. Taken at 6am at the last minute in the passport office. Only 8 years to go!

  16. I totally know what you're feeling. Last time I was home in Salt Lake City I renewed my license because it was coming due and I didn't want to get an Illinois license.

  17. you're making me scared about when my time to serve arrives. or do i not have to fret just yet because there's an age limit?

    anywho...adorable pic and those pictures you took of your garden are gorgeous!!!

  18. You DO look so cute! Is it weird that I want to and never have been summoned for Jury duty?

  19. Oh. That's no good at all.

    Have you started working it out? When are you due to show up?

  20. Love the ID photog, btw. So precious. And believe it or not I've never been asked (or summoned) to participate in jury duty. Wtf, America? Do you not trust my judgment?

  21. Hey everyone - Just wanted to update you on my jury duty situation. I called the courthouse today and they said I have to submit a copy of a bill to show my Illinois residency. Apparently if I do that and show I'm not local anymore, I'm excused. Fingers crossed she is correct!

    I've only been called for jury duty once before and it sounds like several of you haven't been called yet! Lucky! It's not awful, just long and inconvenient. But you can meet some interesting people while there.

    You're all so sweet too about my driver's license photo. The hair and makeup gods were with me that day when it was taken. I refuse to give it up, not when I can look that cute for the next 5-10 years!

  22. yes yes u do look very cute in that pic!!! :) And I see your lil update here so I do hope it all works out in ur favor!!!

  23. Somehow, by the grace of God or Mayor Daley, I have never had to go serve Jury Duty.

    I am a registered voter in Illinois, have IL license and plates, and Chicago city stickers. I pay taxes here, and receive my utility bills and mail on time at my Chicago address.

    But, still no jury summons. In eight years! I'm totally jinxed now that I put that in writing, aren't I?

  24. I've never been summoned, either!

    Hmm. I say put aside the vanity and get an Illinois license! Your pictures on here are all cute, so it must not be IMPOSSIBLE to get a cute pic, right!?

  25. I've never been summoned, either!

    Hmm. I say put aside the vanity and get an Illinois license! Your pictures on here are all cute, so it must not be IMPOSSIBLE to get a cute pic, right!?

  26. Live blog it! I did it when I had jury duty and it was well worth it.

  27. I got called a few years ago and pray that I never get summoned again. Luckily I didn't actually get picked, but it was a whole day wasted on being cold and bored in the courtroom.

    PS- You've got quite a following on your blog now. :)

  28. I had the wrong province driver's license for years and years. I tried to fix it once and they told me I didn't have enough evidence of residency in my new province. So I never bothered again-- stupid province didn't even want me!!

  29. You have no idea how much I want to be picked for jury duty. Everyone hates it, I see it as a fun adventure... okay, maybe not. At least it'll mix up the week a little, right?


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