Thursday, October 30, 2008
Attracting crazy people
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Rockin' the 80s one leg at a time

Monday, October 27, 2008
Laundry wars
- Dishwasher
- Electric stove
- Bedroom (no more studio living)
- In-unit washer and dryer
- Doorman
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Key learnings, prowlin' and randoms
- Channeling E.T., Rocky and the Unabomber when dressing for your weekly walk will get you strange looks on the street
- There is no shame in hiding your favorite purse under your coat to protect it from the rain, even if you look ridiculous
- If you can help it, don't come home to a messy apartment after a long day
- Volunteering can actually be fun
- When in doubt a milkshake or chocolate donut will make you feel better
- It's okay to nap before going out to the bars, even if you're in your late 20s
- When it's cold out, fashion doesn't matter. Wear a proper coat and keep the cute outfit on underneath (example, a gold lame, backless dress with a chain back is not appropriate when it's 40 degrees outside)
- Carpenter jeans do still exist and still make your butt and hips look big
- No matter how cold it is, ice cream always tastes good
- The "Sex and the City" movie, even on second watch, wasn't any better than the first time I saw it
- The lack of available champagne at my salon is unacceptable
- Beer hungover is better than wine hungover
- Prowlin' is fun, when there are guys to be on the prowl for
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Superstar dancer
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
- How do you decide what to blog about
- Is there anything that automatically stays off-blog?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Trip down movie memory lane
- Raider's of the Lost Ark - Harrison Ford when he was younger = smoking hot. Let's just say this movie was released during formative years and I thought tall men were as dashing and looked as good in a fedora with a whip, meow!
- Aliens - Scared me beyond belief and made me scream out loud like, well a little girl in the theater
- Jaws - Yep this movie has made me scared of the water, including bathtubs
- The Muppet Movie - I grew up on "The Muppet Show" so I'll always love Jim Henson, but I used to hide behind my parents big brown chair when Animal got big near the end. There is something about Miss Piggy though that makes me laugh
- Star Wars - I wasn't born yet when this came out in theaters, but I do remember watching it in my stepmom's basement on Christmas Eve as a teenager thinking, whoa this is cool. And again, Harrison Ford = hot (but in need of a better haircut)
- E.T. - This is the first movie I ever saw in the theaters and of course, I hid behind my hands most of the time
- Back to the Future - I don't remember if I saw this in the theater, but it sure made time travel fun, and of course introduced me to the words "flux capacitor," which I thought was real. And, of course, who doesn't love Huey Lewis?

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Key learnings and tailgating
- When you put your wallet in your desk drawer and say out loud, "hey I have to remember to put this back in my purse so I don't leave it at the office tonight," actually do that. CVS isn't happy (neither are you) when you realize that you didn't follow through with that piece of advice
- It's okay to break your rule of "not drinking before noon" on college game day (Blood Mary's at 9 a.m. will do that)
- Going to a home game and supporting the visiting team in the stands leads to a lot of teasing and taunting
- Guys that "chew" are automatically unattractive
- Spending eight hours in the car in one day can make you and your carmates crabby
- Continuously eating food and walking can keep you awake
- Shrimp on the grill is delicious
- French onion dip with potato chips is like a slice of heaven
- I should not own a dog
- When you shower on a daily basis and then skip a day, it makes you very heightened to your temporary new smell
- Port-O-Johns are never enjoyable to use
- Finding your favorite college, non-Boones, beverage at a bar can totally make your day
- It's always good to get out of the city for a day or two and enjoy the country scenery. There's something soothing about looking out at a farm field with the wide open sky and fall colors
Thursday, October 16, 2008
My personal ad
- Lice
- A tendency to lie a lot or cheat
- Kleptomania
- A physical attraction to any of my girlfriends
- Lack of personal hygiene
- Bad credit or a lot of debt
- Dislike of strong women
- Anger management issues
- A problem with picking up the tab - I can take care of myself, but it's nice to have someone be the "guy" on the date.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Conversations with grandma
Scene: Me working in the kitchen (not cooking) and doing my obligatory bi-weekly touch base call
Monday, October 13, 2008
Memories competing with air hockey
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Weekend key learnings and cupcakes
- It's not impolite to over compliment someone on their Lincoln Park mansion, but try not to look like you're casing the place
- A cheese log is always a solid appetizer
- Cleaning sucks, but your house/apartment always looks better when it's done
- Cupcakes make any day better
- Whenever relationships change, it's always a little sad
- Telling people that you're knitting legwarmers always gets a good response
- Being barefoot only feels good on the grass or carpeting
- Don't say you're sorry unless you at least half mean it
- No matter how many times you do it, waxing always hurts (especially on sensitive skin)
- Always take time to "Saturday Night Fever" strut down the street
- Unlined wool pants are itchy
- Clothes you can only hand wash are a dealbreaker
- The best part of opening gifts is watching the recipient's reaction
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A single girl in the kitchen
- Chicken breast
- Yogurt
- Hard boiled eggs
- Treat (optional)
- Pasta (sauce optional) or cereal
- Yogurt
So when people ask why I never cook and why I don’t learn, the answer is simple: I don’t like cooking a big meal for just me.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Little white lies
- Start going to the gym more (shut up no you're not. You're there four days a week, do you think you'll actually get off your a** and go? No I didn't think so, but we'll go walk outside)
- Cut back on the amount of beer I drink (FAIL, whatever, we'll switch to wine then)
- Call my grandparents more (Yes please let's call them more so grandma can tell us you're too fat or skinny and that you'll die alone. Super)
- Be nicer to rude customer service people (I don't think Rage Girl will like this - wait she might be getting angry already)
- Get up earlier (why not? I already can't sleep in so I may as well catch up on morning TV. At least on Saturday there is a 90210 marathon on SoapNet)
- Lose 10 more pounds (Ah sure we can do this as soon as you lay off the candy. I know it calls to us)
- Re-organize my closet and keep it organized (We'll try, but no guarantees)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Lunch habits
I am cheap and my cheapness doesn't just include dinner and drinks, lunch has also been grouped under this frugal umbrella. I’m not one to make a big lunch at home or put forth a lot of effort in making a lunch for work because I’m usually too busy working to enjoy it when it comes time to shove food down my throat.
Which is why I bring the same lunch to work every day. It’s sad.
My daily lunch consists of the following (eaten in this order):
- Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
- Cheddar cheese stick
- Baby carrots
- Applesauce
That is it. Food is pretty readily available in my office so I will grab something small to snack on if I get hungry between courses, but I keep my lunch simple, primarily because it takes five minutes to make and pack in the morning.
I don’t get tired of this "plain Jane" lunch, but I always look forward to “treat day Friday,” when I venture away from my desk and leave five minutes earlier from home because I get to buy my lunch. I consider Friday my, “you survived the week now go get yourself something nice” day, where I join the other people in my office building in waiting for warm, slightly overpriced food for lunch. I am excited about Friday now already.
But even though it’s “treat day” on Fridays, my cheapness comes out in the fact that I refuse to pay more than $6 for my lunch. In my scattered mind, I feel that anything above $5-6 is too much for lunch because then that amount moves the meal closer to being more of a dinner-like occasion. For dinner, I prefer to pay $10-12 for entrees. Now I won’t give up something if it’s over that amount, but in general, that’s a range I feel comfortable with paying. As a single income household in the city, where everything is getting more expensive, I like to splurge, but need to be mindful about when I do it and how.
So I have my “regular” meals that I get on Friday that fall within my lunch cost range and I rotate between them on a weekly basis. I was horrified to find out last week that my favorite Au Bon Pain lunch is now a dollar more than last year, pushing me out of my comfortable lunch cost range, but I might make an exception. It’s getting cold now and I need my soup!
Am I the only one who brings a lunch all the time? A lot of people in my office buy lunch so I always feel weird “brown-bagging” it. Or has anyone started to bring a lunch more than they did before our economy went south? I'm more than curious to see what you guy say :)
Reader note: Thanks everyone for their feedback on my weekend "key learnings" list. I'm so glad you're enjoying it. By popular demand, it will now be a weekly feature! Yay!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Shenanigans and more weekend key learnings
- Just because you still have your 90s torn jean jacket with NKOTB patches, that doesn't mean you should wear it out to the bars on Saturday night
- Beer + sour cream and onion chips = Good. Beer + sour cream and onion chips + ultra-chocolate cake with chocolate gnosh frosting = serious tummy ache (not good)
- Not everyone at the local election office has a full set of teeth
- Some of the best Friday nights include: sweatpants, magazines, movies and napping on the couch with a down blanket
- The older you get and the more set into a workweek routine you are, the less likely you are to actually "sleep in" on the weekends
- Wearing underwear while out for a run (especially with short-short running attire) is important...and recommended
- You do not have to tip homeless men/women if they shout insults at you. Example, if a homeless person says to me as I walk past, "you're a fat cow," I will not give them money. However, if one says, "I like your purse," or "nice legs," I will actually fish around for some change. Because they're right :)
- You do not have to buy something just because it's on super sale, especially if you're not 100 percent sure you'll wear it
- College band students are just as wild as non-band students. Case in point, the University of Wisconsin's marching band has been indefinitely suspended while the school looks into allegations of hazing, alcohol and sexual misconduct. I'm having an "American Pie" band-camp story flashback
- Alcohol can make someone infinitely more amusing to talk to
- Being told you're beautiful by a nice old man is still flattering, especially if you're sweaty and without make-up or contacts at the time
- Fooling around with your guy or girl in public is fun, but not outside someone's apartment door at 2 a.m. Really, take it inside, where it's equally as fun