Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The awkward part of the date
Monday, June 29, 2009
A tale of two dates
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Weekend recap: Taste of Chicago, sunburn and bloggers

- It will be ridiculously hot/humid outside. On cue, every year, the temp rises to 90 and sometimes adds humidity as another kick in the nuts
- You eat only hot food in the hot sun on the hot pavement
- You sweat through your clothes (sexy, I know)
- Sunburn will appear on one or several parts of your body
- Your personal self-esteem will be boosted
- You find out how little clothing people can wear with or without crossing the decency line
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Summer movie fever!
Now back to our regularly scheduled post.......
I am a total movie fanatic. I love going to see movies, smuggling in candy and taking advantage of its free heat or AC during the winter or summer.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Kicked off the pop culture island

Monday, June 22, 2009
Online dating is WORK
On a daily basis you have to weed through possible matches, send winks, write e-mails, respond to e-mails and try to be witty, charming and just be yourself without getting fussy at the same time. This could be a full-time job!
Fortunately, since my initial Match.com phone call fail last month, I have had a bit more luck. I met a guy for coffee before my vacations, which was dubbed an official "date" by several blogger and IRL friends, and it went well. Apparently I made quite an impression too because he e-mailed me the next morning and asked to see me again. Wow. That NEVER happens. So I'll give it another shot. The date went well, not a huge spark but I'll try again and not rush to judgment.
And since date boy (who I will call Dayton) entered the picture, two more guys have too. So far that's just been friendly e-mails but one guy, JohnBoy, sounds really interesting so I'm anxious to meet him in person.
Anyhow, I'm just saying, doing this online dating stuff takes a ton of time. Talking on the phone, deciding where to go to dinner, getting to know one another, awkward hug/kiss at the end and then setting up a plan to see each other again. Oy.
I need to be better at multi-tasking. And putting myself first because looking at my schedule, I don't have a lot of time to meet with these guys for the next week or two. I really need to work on this cloning bit.
Personally, if he asks me out, I think he should take the lead in planning. But that's just me. Apparently I need to "man up" and be more aggressive myself.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Weekend recap: Dinner leftovers and minding the Gap

Thursday, June 18, 2009
A healthy list of celebrity crushes

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Facebook makes me feel old
- Acceptance, yes, you have a Facebook account now. You're not left out in the cold
- Shock, OMG friend requests from people I knew in high school and that guy I fooled around with for one night in college?
- Joy, yes! I am more successful, prettier, etc. than people who were mean to me in high school
- Stalker, hmmm John didn't call me back last night, let's check his Wall and see what he's been up to? Was he really "away from his phone?"
- Old
Monday, June 15, 2009
The joy of roommates
I've only had a few roommates because I learned very early on that I do better living alone. I have a tendency to be territorial and like 15 minutes of quiet when I get home, where my Blackberry isn't buzzing, phone isn't ringing or people aren't saying my name. Having a roommate who is okay with "quiet time" and no talking right away is tough.
What is your worst/best roommate experience?
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Weekend recap: Back from Boston
- Celeb sightings: Zero (I tried to stalk Ben and Jen but no luck!)
- Photos taken: 300+ (I know, I can't believe I took that many too!)
- Times I tripped on cobblestones: 8-10 (one hurt pretty bad)
- Length of my stay: 5 days, 4 nights (turns out the Boston Craigslist Killer struck at our hotel. We didn't know that ahead of time. Still, it was nice!)
- Total miles walked: Too many to count (helped me offset the beer consumption)
- Restaurants visited: 6 (some examples below)
- Times lost in the city: 2 (not bad!)
- Beers consumed by me at Fenway: 4 (fortunately, I didn't say anything inappropriate, but it did result in the below picture)
- Arms sunburned: 2 (both of mine are toasty red. Doh!)
- Gay pride parade run-ins: 1 (it was dad's first one, he was very excited)
- Women seen touching themselves pantless and underwearless on the street: 1 (that image is burned in my brain)
- Fresh seafood dinners: 4 (the lobster roll below was amazing. Like, I died and went to heaven it was so good)
- Pair of seersucker pants with embroidered pot leaves purchased: Zero (but it makes a great picture)
- Children I told to "back off" so I could sit on the duck statue: 4 (they wouldn't share!!!)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Guest post: Childhood summers
This conversation made me think about my own childhood.
My friends and I ran wild for three long, completely unstructured months. The whole town was our playground. My brother and I would leave the house in the morning and often not return home until dinner time. We rode our bikes from one end of town to the other and everywhere in between. My friends and I played kickball in the middle of the street, occasionally bouncing a ball off a parked car. When we tired of that we would go to the library or to the cemetery, where we made up stories about the lives of the people whose gravestones we casually lounged around on. Lunch was eaten at whatever friends house we happened to be at the time -- usually peanut butter and jelly or bologna and cheese. Every mother in the neighborhood always had an endless supply of either with a loaf or two of bread made from the local bakery.
Our imaginations ran as wild as we did. We went on safari's trudging though overgrown grass and bushes of vacant houses. We were tightrope walkers gingerly walking along the high wall on the backside of the elementary school. Sometimes we hung out on the walkway over the state route , overlooking the football stadium watching the high school boys practice plays and whatnot for the upcoming season. Sometimes we would ride our bikes uptown to the Newstand, which didn't sell newspapers or magazines but rather had the best chocolate peanut butter ice cream around. After ambling home and hastily scarfing down dinner, we would find our friends again playing kick the can in uneven alleys until the street lights came on. After the street lights came on we usually scattered about going back to our respective homes. Sometimes a few friends and I would sit out on a deck or front porch with citronella candles that never quite kept the bugs away.
I loved having the days to do whatever I wanted. No one thought there was anything wrong with just doing as we wanted, going from here or there. We didn't have music lessons or traveling sports teams. Most parents worked and we kids survived just fine. We defined the lazy days of summer. We were just kids, and it suited us just fine.
How did you spend your summers as a child?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Guest post: Non-Bachelorette material
This hilarious post comes from Alexa at Cleveland's a Plum. And I have to say, ITA with her below that I could never be a reality TV star.
for many years i didn’t watch any of the seasons of the bachelor or the bachlorette because let’s be honest, it’s cliché as hell.
but for whatever reason my roommate and i really got into the last bachelor season with jason, melissa, holly and the second runner up jillian.
jillian is truthfully why we are watching this season’s bachelorette at all – we love her. the dreamy bachelor’s vying for her attention don’t hurt either (i’m looking at your ed and reid).
but after watching week after week I have decided that as much as I love the show i could never (EVER) be the bachelorette for a few specific reasons:
- no one needs to make out that much with that many people. just image what would happen if there was a mono outbreak!
believe you me, i’ve been known to be quite the make out bandit in my hay day but having random lizard tongues flicking me at every turn would be a bit much
- knowing that my family and friends would be watching me make out that much
the fact that at times I have to cover my eyes because i can’t watch the awkwardness of the smoochy boochy pillow talk and it’s people i don’t even know, i can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like for people that know me in real life
- getting fed constant bullshit
there’s no possible way that every single one of those guys are falling in love with her, it’s bull caca. watching some of the contestants is like watching a slimy salesman selling themselves for sloppy kisses. (except for ed and reid, they can do no wrong)
- “i think i’m falling in love with you”, “no i love you more”, “i never thought i could fall in love this fast”, “i don’t normally have feelings like this”
when i hear those phrases all that comes through is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. i think there should be a drinking game associated with the bachelor and bachelorette that when any of those lines are uttered you have drink
and yet, I still watch – every. single. episode.
maybe i’m jaded, maybe i’m turning into a bitter old spinster, but i just don’t think i could be the bachelorette. that and the fact that the idea of me frolicking around a sausage fest in a bikini is something that no one deserves to see.
so what do you think - could you put yourself out there and be the bachelorette (or bachelor)? what about even just being a contestant?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Guest post: Guilty blog fodder
So recently (aka today's post) I said there were some things that I would not write about on my blog anymore, but that doesn't mean I can't blog about them over here!! :)
Heidi and Spencer. Oh my gosh. They are probably the most annoying people out there right now, but also the smartest. Everywhere they go they make a spectacle of themselves and some media outlet picks them up! Ah. It's a vicious cycle! I can't stop reading all the craziness of their TV show adventures (even though I refuse to watch that ridiculousness) and their newest endeavors like selling shampoo. Seriously, gaaaaaaaaah. When will the madness stop.

The Gosselin drama. I haven't really talked too much about the family drama on my blog but it's almost getting hard not too. Every episode has been awkward and the family is taking over every tabloid like wo. But from here on out I'll avoid the drama talk and just stick to the cuteness of the kids and the show.
Twilight. Yeah right. I can't stop. It's like an addiction. Anything Twilight I have to read it! I cannot wait for the new movie to come out and I'll probably reread the series again and pictures of Rob Pattinson make me swoon and ummm I'll just keep being a spokesperson.
So is there anything you want to stop blogging about but can't? Or am I alone in my habits, haha?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Weekend recap: Vegas baby, Vegas!
- Vegas is totally chick-friendly. If you're a woman, Vegas is the place for you. You can have any of the following things happen: get a high five, be talked dirty to in Spanish, be whistled at and get just about anything you want if you travel with two or more women. Clubs are your oyster!
- Boobs are not a big deal in Vegas. In fact, they're everywhere on the streets. People hand out cards with boobs (and the "other" if you know what I mean) and after awhile you just go dead inside when you see them. Being a woman, if you've seen one boob, you've seen them all
- Holy shit it is hot. We came during a "cool week," which was still in the 90s but damn, I was baking like a pig on a spit at the pool and on the strip. That sun is punishing, as my arms will attest
- Your depth perception will fool you. I think this may be heat-induced but things look close together on the strip but they're not! Yes, the Bellagio and Mirage are next to each other, but it can take you 10-15 minutes to walk there because of other tourists and sidewalk space
- Time doesn't really exist on the strip. Yes, the time change from Chicago (two hours behind) was tough because it goes by so quickly and then suddenly it's 5 p.m. and you're eating lunch and 11 p.m. and it's dinner time. It's madness!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Guest post: Gotta catch them all!
Oh wait, you don't believe that I love Jessica to bits?
You know what today is?
It's my birthday! How do I spend it? Telling people how awesome Jessica is!
So there you go!
I decided to make Jessica the next blogger in my Bloggers you should know series. So get excited because Jessia just got her very own;

Friday, June 5, 2009
Guest post: Chicago vs. Vegas
- While you're dumping coin after coin into the slot machines, I can just walk over to the closet vending machine. 75 cents in, tasty, refreshing pop out. I'm always a winner.
- I've seen 21, I know all about those card counters. While you're losing money at the tables, I'll be playing a mean game of Monopoly with my grandma. What began as a game of strategy and balls turns into a fun game of hide & seek. Where's grandma hiding those pink fifties?
- If I'm tired of looking at boobs, I just turn off the porn. I mean...what?
- You know that saying, "what happens in Vegas - stays in vegas"......uh.....if you believe that, yeah, you might want to check out "YouTube"......
- I have Rachel, you don't.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Leaving on a jet plane
Oh and please forgive me for being behind on commenting, I promise to get to everyone!
Note: Thank you everyone for your comments on the wedding note post yesterday. I won't lie, I was a little surprised by some of the feedback, but everyone made valid points and I can see where everyone is coming from. People were very passionate and adamant about the topic, which is great, I love reading your comments on things like this.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Wedding thank you notes (and the drama with them)
Here's why I'm asking. Several ladies I work with just got married and while they were talking about sending out their thank you notes, one of them said that she had still not received a thank you note from a wedding she attended over a year ago.
The new brides (and single-girl me) were shocked.
Apparently, the woman's friend, who was the bride, mentioned something in passing that she enjoyed her wedding gift, but the gift giver never received a thank you note from the couple, by mail or e-mail.
And when she told us what her gift was (it came from that famous store in an Audrey Hepburn classic film) we were all extra shocked.
I think she should casually mention something to the bride or groom. Just say something casually, not accusatory. To me, it doesn't matter how big the wedding is, if people are thoughtful enough to bring you a gift, especially an expensive one, a thank you note is in order. Plus, if I found out other guests got a note and not me, I would be even more hurt.
What does everyone else think? I'm curious about your thoughts on this because I've heard different opinions about this topic.
Note: OMG I cannot believe I left out slap bracelets from yesterday's 80s post. Seriously, I loved those things. I might have to dig around for mine. They were slap-tastic! Hmm that sounds dirty.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
80s fashion comeback