Wednesday, April 30, 2008
New features on Everyday Adventures
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
How the smallest things can make your day
Now this doesn't mean I'm out buying new purses, make-up or clothes all the time, but I've really found that as I get older, it's the little things that can still make your day. For example, my dad gave me a roll of stamps (the new forever ones) and I was super excited...over stamps. My idea of daily treats include: buying lunch, taking a cab, buying nummy ice cream or cupcakes as a treat, etc. Not exciting or something that will break the bank, but it's still fun things that I wouldn't normally do on a regular basis.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Harry & David? More like Satan and Mothra
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Fun things in my neighborhood
Saturday, April 26, 2008
A food-filled Saturday
Friday, April 25, 2008
Rant: Sibling Rivalry
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Weather forecasts for city women
Rain cute:
Well it's raining so the weather isn't that much of a stretch. Temps can fall into the "warm cute" or "cool cute" categories too so refer back to those descriptions.
What to wear: cutest rain boots (recommend bright colored wellies), pants, jacket and whatever top you choose.
Unforgiveably hot cute:
Weather: Similar to "humid cute" category but multiply it by ten.
What to wear: Whatever will keep you from passing out while waiting for the train or bus. But bring something to cover yourself up a bit at the office.
Now I know this seems a bit odd or slightly ridiculous to think up but, really seeing this description on the NBC 5 news in the morning would really help me out and keep me from being a hot mess.
Yes let's do the math: "warm cute" dress + a "cool cute" day = a hot mess
Anyone who has ever been under- or over-dressed for the weather knows what that feels like. Suddenly my new post-gym workout outfit looks very warm and inviting. Even if they might be poorly made.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Customer service frustration
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Do I objectify guys? Absolutely, now take your shirt off
Monday, April 21, 2008
Six quirky things about me
- link to the person that tagged you
- post the rules on your blog
- share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
- tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
- let each random person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
Six things about me:
- I am still slightly OCD/perfectionist. This isn't as bad as it used to be, but my most reoccurring quirk is that when I have about 10-15 M&M's left, I organize them in bunches by groups of color and then eat them with my least fave color first with my favorite color first. This happens if I'm at my desk, on a train or even in a movie (although it's more difficult there)
- I love designer handbags. Don't ask me how many I have because I don't know, but they sit nicely on a shelf in the dust bags. My repeat offenders: Coach and Kate Spade. Mostly Coach.
- When I was little, I wanted to be a dancer on Solid Gold and a doctor. I need a gold shiny jumpsuit and a cage in the OR, stat!
- My mind is a vast cave of pop culture knowledge. Movies, fashion, stars, television, trivia, you name it and it's in there. My friend stopped playing Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture edition with me because I kept winning.
- My first real memory of Chicago is coming down after Christmas with my dad to walk along Michigan Avenue and look at the lights.
- Sometimes when I have a really, really bad day, I come home, turn the phone off, turn on the television and eat coffee cake alone in the dark. Really, it's not sad, it helps shake off the blues. Fortunately this has only happened once or twice.
Tag, you're it!
So below are my picks for who's tagged next. Start runnin'.
Rebecca at Homemaker's Habitat - She's my work mother and the most creative, arts/crafts person I know. Seriously.
Amanda at Simplified Mom - She is my knitting yoda and has the most adorable baby girl Ada.
Stephanie at My Twentysomething Cents - She loves the Office just like me :) and knows about Mindy Ephron's blog. Both of things are a-okay with me.
Angela at Angelaboration- Actress, great photos on her blog, funny stories and she's super nice to comment on my blog regularly :)
Arielle at Good Things Come to Those Who Whine- works in HR and cracks me up with her office stories. I can well.
Jenn at Free and Flawed - she helped get people to my blog to answer my blog roll question and has been super nice with me being a newbie blogger still.
Jamie at Oh How Lovely - Yes I'm adding a seventh tag. Her blog is awesome and huge and she still visits my little growing blog and comments :)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A nice little Sunday snack
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Shopping, movies and cupcakes oh my!
Friday, April 18, 2008
To the blogs and beyond: How do you blogroll?
Jennifer and I were talking the other day about blog rolls and she had a great idea - ask all my fellow bloggers and lurkers how they decide who to add to their blog rolls.
So I pose this question into the great beyond. How do you decide what blogs to add to your blog roll? Are they friends or blogs you read regularly? Or do you take e-mails from people asking for a link exchange?
I'm pretty new to this so I'm putting the question out there for people to share their experiences :)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
My cheap and dishonest tendencies
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Pet Peeve: Chicago's Summer Bummer
- The crosswalks become insufferably crowded
- Tourists - more on that another time
- The summer homeless people come out
- People have very high self esteem about the clothes they wear
- and the biggest summer buzz kill....Cubs games
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Pet Peeve: Bus tidbits
Monday, April 14, 2008
The When Harry Met Sally Debate
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Meet my Macbaby!
I'm pleased to introduce you all to Lulu...born officially on April 5, 2008 in Milwaukee weighing 5 pounds. The first time I looked at her, I did know what to say. She looked back at me and I knew right away that she was all mine. Even the little Apple book that came with her said that we were "made for each other." *Tear!*
After some initial trouble, primarily with merging my Windows iTunes songs onto the Mac, Lulu and I spent a lot of quality time together yesterday during the rain and I think we learned two things. 1) I'm in charge and 2) despite the bumpy beginning, we're going to get along just fine. I'm amazed at how fast she runs, how bright the screen is and how cute she looks from far away.
As a former PC-only user, there are still a few adjustments that I need to get around, primarily not being able to right-click on the touch pad, but I know Lulu and I will work through this as we spend more time together.I even picked up a copy of the Apple Store workshop schedule so that I can take Lulu for her first day of school and make sure the other Mac kids are nice to her. I think next weekend we'll be checking out the iLife or Photography workshop, but I have to stop by the Genius Bar because my arrow keeps stalling or disappearing on the screen but again, Lulu and I will beat this. It's part of the "getting-to-know-you" process.
So below are some more picture of my baby's first big weekend in my apartment. Now it's time to go get her some cute accessories, primarily Bose speakers and/or some nice treats from the Apple Store. We'll see what she takes a shine to. Welcome to the family Lulu.
Images from top: Lulu in her baby blanket, breakfast, bath time and going out with mama.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Pet Peeve: Shopping at Victoria's Secret (I hate it)

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Hot new word: Fetch meet Totes
Fetch meet totes. And what does totes mean? Honestly, I had zero idea when it was introduced into my vernacular but it's a word I sadly overuse a lot in my daily conversation: totally.
Totes = totally
Let's practice using it in a sentence.
Old way: Let's totally go to the movies this weekend. I would like to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
New way: Let's totes go to the movies this weekend. I would like to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
This might seem odd, but I am guilty of overusing a handful of the same words. It's the nature of what I do, the overused words that you put in your writing and conversations. A girl in the office and I even joked (sadly) about how to have a conversation without the marketing-speak. We tried to but fell into hitting key messages without thinking!
So below is a list of words/acronyms that I use way to much on a daily basis:
- Regarding
- Best
- f/u
- like
- um (which suddenly I've noticed everyone uses)
- it's like....
- you know?
So, um, like, do you guys have any words that you overuse, like I do, you know?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Who's a pretty princess?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The two worst words to start a conversation
While I was still at work tonight, my friend sent me an IM with those words and immediately I froze. This is the same friend I recently wrote about for making a poor decision by getting back together with her ex-fiance.
Before she asked me those two words, I was tempted to ask her about this guy and how they ended up together again, but "brace yourself" was much more compelling. I was expecting any of the following: pregnancy, marriage, engagement or break-up. While I was hoping for the last one, it turned out that number one was right - pregnancy.
After yelling (out loud) "oh my god!" she proceeded to tell me that she was not only pregnant but recently suffered a miscarriage. Fortunately, she is fine (thank goodness) and she will be able to have kids still but it definitely gave her a scare. When I asked if this changed anything, like did it put anything into perspective, she said that it did - that she was ready to settle down with this guy again and have a real family. Not exactly the answer I was hoping for. I was hoping for more of "I deserve better! I want to do something more with my life!"
But as I've recently realized, I love my friends enough to want them not to make these horrible mistakes but in the end, I can't stop them. And if this is what she's realized from this situation, then maybe it's the best thing for now. Who knows, maybe it'll work out and maybe I'm wrong - although I doubt it ;)
So next time I hear "brace myself," I will do so and hope for the best.
Geez and I thought that the news that Project Runway was moving to Lifetime for it's fifth season in November was big! Nothing says fashion like a little movie-of-the-week.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Monday Tidbits
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Shower and weekend recap (the good and the bad)
Well today was the highly anticipated shower and let's just say, I was pleasantly surprised but exhausted from being on-the-go all weekend.
Below is a recap of the weekends highlights and lowlights (some are not that low, but there weren't enough for an in between category):
High points:
- Day off on Friday!
- Driving - I love it and I miss it
- Haribo Gummi Frogs and Milka - you know it's really from Germany when you can't read the packaging
- Seeing my new computer - my baby!
- Getting a purdy new case for my baby
- Coach at Bayshore fixing the mix-ups in my order from Mayfair (also see lowlights)
- Free movie and dinner with dad and stepmom (Saw 21 - not bad but rentable)
- Cheesecake at the shower - it was awesome (see picture below)
- Amtrak finding my "cancelled" ticket from Easter (also see lowlights)
- Being told that I turned out "gorgeous" several times from an old family friend - thank you!
- Cab available right away at Union Station
- Seeing my apartment after a long Sunday
- Cab #1 charging me the wrong amount (too much) on my credit card
- Coach at Mayfair screwing up my order - no I did not request those sunglasses actually
- Cab #2 getting confused between lower and regular Wacker Drive
- My new computer rejecting my iPod and iTunes songs - why are you so cruel?
- Cab #2 nearly killing a pedestrian on Belmont and Sheridan
- Realizing I probably should have contributed $20-25 to the shower - maybe I was too rigid
- Finding out my unused Amtrak ticket from Easter was cancelled when it wasn't picked up because I was stranded in Atlanta
- Logging my food - Diet? What diet?
- Checking work e-mail - 141 e-mails - wha?
First off, I wasn't sure what to expect today at the shower and overall things went well. Phew! Of course getting out to the VFW required the Garmin and my brother was literally not kidding when he said I'd know I was there when I saw the "tank" in front. I don't really "hang" at a VFW too much so when he said "tank," I wasn't sure what he meant until I saw it (see picture below), a literal Army tank just in front of the VFW's parking lot. I believe, "oh my god," was my response upon exiting the car.
The weekend regulars at the VFW bar were very nice, but the smell of deep smoke still was stuck in the bar, lovely. The spread of food was impressive, big props to my future sister-in-law's mom for organizing. While the "hot ham" was nothing to write home about and I opted to pass by the fruit salad "fluff," all of the traditional Wisconsin side dishes were quite good. I'm always a fan of a veggie platter, French Onion dip (OMG good), taco dip, and lovely pasta salad with tortellini, asparagus, carrots and Italian dressing - although it would have been good with a light olive oil as well.
And I have never seen this many gifts at one time before. We had two tables and most of the stage's floor covered and gift opening lasted 2.5 hours. In the end, only the bridal party and parents were left - the guests couldn't take it! Everyone was well-behaved (grandma included) and I was informed that the guy I'm walking down the aisle with is kind of a "pain" so they put me with him to straighten him out. Oh yeah honey, you misbehave and you'll meet the back of my hand! Since marriage is likely not in my future, I want to enjoy the few times I will walk down the aisle - for someone else's wedding.
So now I'm catching up on DVR and television before crashing and preparing for another full, long week of work. *Insert dramatic sigh*

Friday, April 4, 2008
More pre-shower shenanigans
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Top Chef recap
So we learned last week that Eric's tendency to put crap (not literally) on his plate was enough to actually send him home. Good call. Neck tattoos are scary.
So let's have some fun and ogle the men - yes Ryan I'm talking about you.
Quickfire Challenge: Demonstrate techniques (you mean outside of just cutting your food?)
Daniel Boulud is the guest judge and Padma said if we don't know who he is, that we should leave the kitchen. No problem!
Nikki is apparently going golfing at Diversey with her plaid hat. Manuel magically isn't Latin anymore and Spike is gong to the beach with a straw K-Fed fedora this week, bitchin! Dale's avocado sashimi on a bucket full of ice was pretty bad ass, and probably costs $40 at Japonais. Meanwhile Richard is crushing on his old boss, Daniel, and his hair is taking on a Conan-like height and coif. Bad ass. So Dale wins and breaks out the velour "Juicy" man-track suit to talk to the camera. And it's zipped up to the neck - hooooooot. Too bad Andrew is bitchy about Dale joining their team. No one puts Andrew in a corner.
Elimination Challenge: Meals inspired by movies
Ryan has seen two movies in three years - that slides him down the hotness scale a bit. Richard Roeper is hosting the party for his bestie - Aisha Tyler. What has she done that's noteworthy? Outside of Friends and Nip/Tuck? Moving on.
Then Ryan selects Dumb and Dumber as his favorite movie - sliding again down the hotness scale, but then he is playing charades describing the Christmas Story and we're moving back up on the scale a bit. At Whole Foods (woo! Lakeview!) Mark is talking about Christmas Story as though he's grown up watching it and I realized two things: a) he doesn't know what he is talking about at all and b) I don't think he celebrates Christmas like the rest of us.
So during the actual dinner the judges were being a bit bitchier than normal, causing even Richard Roeper to defend the competition and somehow Aisha is an expert at cuisine - too bad I was more interested where she got her sparkly top. And the new thought that's nagging me is Lisa's eyebrow ring. Isn't that considered unsanitary in a kitchen? What if that fell out?
K-Fed is bitching again about the white chocolate and wasabi sauce and it's obnoxious as always (snore). Go knock someone up, its works for the real-K-Fed, maybe it will for you.
In the end, Manuel is sent home and I was kind of shocked. Spike lead that dish and lead them astray, why is he here? Man, that guy does have K-Fed's luck.
Next week Tom is in a pissy mood and Dale unloads on the girls, bustin' it out gansta style and there's nearly a spilled Michelob in the back room.
Finally - is there anyone else who finds Elizabeth Berkeley hosting a "dancing" show ironic? What is she going to teach them, how to not get pole-burn on your breasts while swinging around on it?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
More bad wedding etiquette
And today, that poor etiquette touched my brother's wedding, which I will be standing up in during Memorial Day. And I have to admit, I have quite a bee in my bonnet about the e-mail I received today.
Sunday is the wedding shower (for a whopping 90 people) and leading up to this, my brother and his fiancee told me that her mother or sisters (who are throwing the shower) would be contacting me to talk about it. Why? I had no idea. My name was not on the shower invite and the bridesmaids are not even the hosts. So according to my friends Anne and Margaret, the latter of whom has memorized the Emily Post etiquette book, the only thing I need to know about the shower is when and where it is. I am not financially responsible at all.
So imagine my surprise today when I get an e-mail - a mass e-mail - from one of the bride's sisters reminding me and the other bridesmaids about the shower this weekend (thanks - trust me, I didn't forget).
But then we get to the good stuff, "My mom also wanted me to contact everyone about input for the shower. She will gladly bring everything but was hoping that we could all help pay for it. She was asking for possible $20-$25 per person. If that's not possible just give her a call at [phone number removed] and she'll work something out."
What the hell? I was stunned. And it takes a lot to stun me to the extent that I was. I promptly got on the IM to my brother and proceeded to tell him what I received and why I was having an internal rage wave about this. No shock, he didn't seem that surprised, and understood where I was coming from. This girl takes the cowardly way out by mass e-mailing all of us to peddle for cash? At least the homeless people ask for it nicely on the street (most of the time). I've been told for a month that her mom or sister will call to personally talk to me about this and now four days before the shower she is e-mailing us to tell us this.
I'm also offended by this because it's another mass e-mail, has no one learned anything from my previous posts? It's all just tacky and in poor taste.
So no I am not financially contributing to these shenanigan's. And if I get another mass e-mail about this, I might explode.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Why Katie Holmes looks like a soccer mom
Today I was cruising Us Weekly's site again and was stunned to see that Katie Holmes has cut her hair...again...shorter. I didn't think there was anything left to cut. The online picture isn't the best, but I was surprised that it could actually be Katie because she looked like a "too skinny" guy...with great cheekbones and no Adam's apple.
And the first thought that went through my head was, "she looks like the Saturday Night Live parody of 'Mom Jeans,'" where they claim "I'm not a woman anymore, I'm a mom!" In fact, Katie is looking more like the Tina Fey character in that parody. And let's be honest, Katie's not much more than a famous wife and a mom anyhow.
All that money and more bad decisions. When you have your own personal styling team, why wouldn't you want long, gorgeous hair? You don't have to worry about drying or curling it on a daily basis, that's such a load off your back! If you want, you could even shop online via Blackberry while they work on your hair. It's like being at the salon every day!
Now you might think that I'm just poking at her because I'm jealous. Well yes, I'm jealous that she used to have insanely beautiful hair, seven days a week and looked flawless all the time. But since crazy Tom Cruise came into town, the odd interview behavior - "magical," "blessed," and "lucky" - and the new wave of fabulous bags, clothes and shoes that she now sports makes me say, "meh." I love purses and if I'm not jealous of the massive red Hermes Birkin bag she carries then something must be wrong. Seriously, look at the size of that thing. You could carry part of a studio apartment in there.
Fortunately, I don't know how much shorter she can go, unless she pulls a Britney and goes bald! Now that would be worth writing about again.