You can incorporate any of the below tweets into your day: at the office, on the bus, driving, talking with friends, flirting with a guy. It's a solid conversation starter!

Oh and it's been a long week, which is why I'm keeping the topic light for everyone tonight.
So I thought I would share with everyone the movies I tend to quote regularly with friends, primarily my buddy Ryan and my brother. We're a regular comedy routine.
Actually I watch a lot of these movies when I need a laugh, or just feel like watching something that doesn't require a lot of thought.

"You know, a lot of people go to college for 7 years"
"I know, they're called doctors"

"That is so fetch!"
"I can't go out"
"Boo, you wh*re"

"Follow me or perish, sweatermonkeys!"

"When in Rome!"
"I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly"

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"
And of course, there is one TV show, outside of the Office, to add to the mix.

"I just blue myself"
"There's gotta be a better way to say that"
And of course, the latest addition to this quote list, "totes magoats" from I Love You Man.
What about everyone else? What movies or TV shows do you love to quote? Or even just love to watch for the one-liners. Let me know if I'm missing any!
I find myself quoting from movies and tv all the time too. Especially shows like Friends. I love Bring It On when Torrance says "Take a whiff, cause Missy's the poo" Of Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets when he tells the maid "Sell crazy someplace else, I'm all stocked up"
i am constantly quoting from mean girls: "oh my god karen, you can't just ask people why they're white" or "i didn't leave compton for this!" or "she's like a martian"
and ANYTHING from clueless. i know that movie by heart.
Oooooh, don't forget Dumb and Dumber!
"What's the soup du jour?"
"It's the soup of the day"
"Mmmmm, that sounds good I'll have that".
i love quoting movies! when i can remember the quote that is... and right now my quote is blank!
One of my friends quotes movies like it's her job. It's ridiculous. She can quote almost an entire movie after just seeing it one or two times. My faves to quote are Tommy Boy, Van Wilder, and the Jeff Dunham DVDs, lol.
The Goonies is one of my favorites. "Heyyyy yoooouuu ggggguuuyyyysssssss"
anchorman is a good one to quote, j and i can do pretty much the whole thing.
princess bride, rat race, futurama, the sandlot, ghostbusters, indiana jones...i know there are more, but it's late.
Those are great quotes! I always quote Bring it On too... I always say, "Brrr... it's cold in here, there must be some Toro's in the atmosphere"... LOL and I love quoting Superbad - "I just want to get on the rooftop and scream you're my best friend" LOL
lol i know...isnt looking back on college sad? btw - i love your movie quotes. some of my favorite movies/quotes ever! especially mean girls :)
zoolander and elf are my standards.
i can't get enough of them!
"Boooo you whore" is probably definitely (those two adverbs don't agree haha) the best quote ever.
What about "Chyeah, riiight" from Waynes World?
I agree with all of these. And, speaking of Tommy Boy, I was just telling my brother a couple days ago when we were on vacation that whenever I knock on a hotel room door, I want to say "housekeeping" in a high voice like David Spade.
I quote Grey's Anatomy in ridiculous amounts. Usually it's "seriously? seriously."
I rarely remember movie quotes. In fact, I rarely remember movies I've seen. Yeah, I'm good. But, to work my way back into cooldom, I will tell you that I know the father of the woman who wrote Bring It On.
I loooove quoting Friends, Legally Blonde, Bring it On, Mean Girls, Zoolander...
I love to quote Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn!
Anchorman: "I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal."
Wedding Crashers: "Ma, the meatloaf! NOW!"
Old School: "Earmuffs."
Vince Vaughn says this line in almost every movie I've seen him in: "Let's get hopped up and make some bad decisions."
Elf: "I just like to smile. Smiling's my favorite."
There is definitely something awesome about a girl who quotes Tommy Boy and Anchorman. As someone who loves comedies, I have to give you props, or kudos, or whatever denomination of Internet-respect you prefer. lol
I too am a quoter. I have a few movies I quote but my real go-to for quotes is Seinfeld. I can find a Seinfeld quote for almost any situation.
God, I miss that show.
SUCH a quoter. I personally love the Tom Hanks movie, That Thing You Do, and quote it way too often.
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10 Things I Hate About You:
"I know you can be overwhelmed and underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?"
I quote a lot of the same movies but different quotes...
Tommy Boy - "My head hurts. Not so much here. Or here.... more like HERE."
and hubs and I quote about everything in anchorman... "This burrito is good but it is filling!" or "Did you hear that? BEARS!" and we always say "I freaking love you!" to each other.
We quote a LOT of Adam Sandler movies in our household. Primarily from Happy Gilmore and The Wedding Singer, but we don't discriminate.
I quote movies and TV shows all the time, as well as my favorite YouTube videos.
Also, I just started watching Arrested Development yesterday and I'm in LOVE with that show!!!
Oh, good movie selections. I quote Anchorman too.
I also love Super Troopers - the snozberries taste like snozberries, hahaha.
Ace Ventura - Do not go in there, woo.
A League of Their Own - Hey girls, see the grass? Don't eat it.
matt and i always quote anchorman, seriously it's addicting. and wedding crashers, and most lately i love you man. i've also started quoting how i met your mother oh too frequently, but i can't help it! it's just so good!
Me and my flatmate are "Friends" fanatics and can find a quote from it to suit virtually any situation.
I have to admit I also love "Anchorman" and "Mean Girls" for the fabulous quotes.
But other faves have to be "Clueless" and "Blades of Glory". In particular, from the latter . . . "Personal philosophy? Clothing optional."
Lately, I have been saying: "You're killing me, Smalls!" a lot, from Sandlot.
Also Friends quotes. Lots of Friends quotes!
I have GOT to start watching old seasons of Arrested Development! I her it's spectacular.
Anchorman, always. I can't be stopped once I start, really. Also, Austin Powers. Throw me a frickin' bone here.
"Drama, drama, drama..." from How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
It works for like a million situations.
Also a new favourite from dodgy movie The Clique, "Did I invite you to a B-B-Q? Then why you getting all up in my grill?"
Too funny!
Well, if we're quoting airplane, we need this gem:
"Surely, you can't be serious."
"I am serious. And don't call me Shirley."
Otherwise I will shamelessly quote ANYthing from Clueless at ANYtime.
Tobias: O-kay, who'd like a banger in the mouth?
Love, love, love Arrested Development!
I am being serious! And don't call me Shirley.
Good one
My favorite quote from recent movie is from Monsters vs. Aliens, there are so many funny random one-liners.
Oh, and I have an award for you at my blog. Thanks again, and I love your posting style!
In college my roommates and I quoted The Simpsons at every opportunity. Also, we quoted lines from The X-Files a lot. As for movies, I quote Office Space quite a bit. And my husband and I spent an entire vacation last year saying "This one goes to 11" which is from This Is Spinal Tap.
For some reason, I quote Home Alone quite a bit because I love to say, "Look what you did, you little jerk". It got me into trouble a while back when I said that to someone who had never seen Home Alone. Whoops.
I love Mean Girls, too. Besides "boo, you whore", I also love the random line, "Ugh, my nail beds suck". Don't know why. Haha.
I quote Top Gun constantly.
"Talk to me, Goose."
"Take me to bed or lose me forever!"
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