So remember all those tweets and posts I did where I complain about Chicago's cool weather and not being able to a) feel warm or b) wear my new, cute summer clothes? Karma is comin' back around because it is hot, humid and, well HOT here. I mean, I love the feeling of baking in the hot sun and my skin frying from it, just as much as the next girl, but whoa, some transition please!
But outside of the hot, humid, hair-hating weather, here's the highlights of my weekend:
Friday my parents came in town for a weekend in the city and we went to Art Smith's restaurant, Table Fifty-Two. We had a late reservation and it totally didn't disappoint. In fact, I came home with half our meal in leftovers because it was so filling and delicious.
If you go, I highly recommend the crab cakes, three-cheese mac, jambalaya and you MUST order a piece of the hummingbird cake. No, that's not code word for deliciousness (although it should be). It's actually a banana/pineapple cake with cream cheese frosting. And it's amazing.
The service was impeccable and it was a more adult crowd so not overly loud. And with the famous biscuits and deviled eggs to start, my parents were MORE than impressed (me too!)
I'm also proud to say the jambalaya and three-cheese mac reheat well. Tonight I continue working on the Hummingbird cake because the piece cut for us was massive. I love leftovers!
Minding the Gap
I keep my clothing simple. I like affordable, stylish yet classic pieces in my wardrobe, so if you ever go through my closet, you will see A LOT of Old Navy, Banana Republic and especially Gap clothing in it. You can also check my Banana Republic card statement history to see first-hand how much I love the Gap. It's the kind of love that hurts sometimes.
Anyhow, I was beyond excited when Justine from Brand About Town e-mailed me asking if I could meet up and chat with her about becoming a Gap brand enthusiast. Um, YES, I'm interested. Could there BE another job that's better for me (outside of my day job?) Answer: no.
Justine braved the harsh Chicago storms on Friday to meet with me at Lavazza and chat more about the Gap brand enthusiast role. And between us, I fear I sounded slightly insane because I was so excited. Nothing's set in stone just yet, but the opportunity to host a party with my closet blogger friends = awesome. I'm ready to go!
And after our chat and quick run through the rain, she showed me some of Gap's new styles at the store and then...let me pick out some stuff to take home. *crickets chirping* Best day ever. I had to try not to squeal out loud or jump up and down clapping like Kelly Kapoor. I did that later ;)
Here's the new stuff I got too, I cannot wait to wear it to work.

And no, I won't be "cinching" or "belting" the waist like the SNL Gap girls (for now.)
How was everyone else's weekend?
Glad you had a great dinner with your parents!!
And great Gap finds!! I have such a love-hate relationship with them but keep hearing their Spring/Summer line rocks. Good luck with the enthusiast role!! How cool is that?! What does it entail?
love love love Banana!!
It sounds like you had a fabulous weekend, as always. When I come to Chicago (whenever that is), I want to eat lots and lots and lots and then walk around so I can burn some of the food off.
Loving the clothes you got from Gap! I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. That's so awesome!
What a great weekend! I am so glad that you are in the Gap brand enthusiast, totally a perfect job for you!
Love your new clothes!
love your taste, dress twin! I tried on the second dress too & almost bought it!
Sounds like you had a great weekend! I'm so completely jealous of your trip to the Gap!
Love the 3rd outfit! so cool!
Nice choices! Love that skirt especially!
It is soooo hot here! I know I said I wouldn't complain, but holy hell, we went from 60 and rainy to like 95 with scorching sun. I don't mind it at all, except my apartment is literally like a sauna. It's too hot to sleep.
I looove Gap. Those clothes are so cute! I kind of want to go get that bubble skirt now. I love it! You are such a lucky duck.
Sounds like you had a great weekend! I definitely have to try out that restaurant because that hummingbird cake sounds absolutely amazing.
i love us, because when i went shopping with justine i bought that dress AND that same cardigan.
we rock.
Miss, you made a perfect choice by choosing that very cute skirt. Why, what's with the belt? Lol it can be cute too!
I think Gap needs an enthusiast in California. I am obviously the perfect girl for the job. They wouldn't even have to buy me anything because I already have it all!
Cute choices! I love the Gap for their shirts, but I am more of a Banana Republic girl for the jeans--they're perfect for my height, especially since I don't make time to get pants tailored most of the time.
I'm glad you had such an amazing weekend!
Cute clothes!
It's really same old, same old with me; still working on my thesis and through the weekends now too.
Isn't Justine a doll? I just loved her accent. I tried on the same dress but decided it just didn't look right on me. Bring it to BlogHer?
i should sign up for this brand about town thing...i'm so jealous of everyone who gets these parties for nintendo and gap. i deserve free stuff just for putting up with all you happy people.
i love that blue dress, though.
and that restaurant sounds so divine! i would love to eat there someday!
I love the blue dress! The bubble skirt is really fun too, it would be great for work in the summer.
Have fun being an enthusiast! I'm up to my ears in Gap with all the bloggers they're snapping up! =)
I have a love hate relationship with Gap. My body doesn't always work with their cuts but Banana? Oh how I love thee.
Love the dresses! I'm a Banana Republic and Gap fiend myself thought this weekend I fell in love at Anne Taylor Loft. It was glorious =)
OO, is the first one available on the website? I'm in love!
Is that last one a dress, or two separate pieces? Either way, I love it!
Okay, that whole Gap thing is awesome! I wish they had a Banana Republic version--and that they would email me! I'm so jealous of your super cute outfits :)
I want to be a GAP brand enthusiast!!
I'm so jealous I LOVE the Gap too! You got some super cute outfits!
lol, get used to the hot weather. I think it's going to stick around this week!
Cute clothes! I love GAP and their clothing, but I haven't shopped there in the longest. I tend to use their credit card at other stores rather than at GAP! That's bad.
That Justine girl - she sure does get around. I saw her mentioned on a few other blogs, too. Sounds like fun!
That blue dress is so goddamn cute.
So exciting! I'm chatting with Justine now too...should be fun!
okay that food sounds delectable, seriously i'm salivating at my desk as i read it, haha.
and love the gap finds, so exciting. hope you get picked! :)
I've been wanting to eat at table fifty two for the longest time! and I don't even live in Chicago or have any upcoming plans to visit :(
I've read that his mac&cheese is something sinfully delicious.
Hopefully, one day, I'll make it there.
I saw that last dress as i was leaving and was so sad I didn't see it earlier. i got a lot of great stuff though!
That sounds so cool! ;) Have fun! There are a quite a few things at GAP that are nice but at times, the bargain hunter in me can't justify the prices. I also love banana but the same applies, even more so.
I just submitted my info to Brand About Town -- thanks for the link!
BTW, did you get the shoes that came with outfit No. 3? I'm not much of a shoe whore, but those are CUTE!
The blue dress looks like it would be perfect to wear today considering public nudity is not an option (although it should be when the temp hits 90).
Impressed with your choice.!! That blue dress is simply gorgeous. I too prefer to get dresses from Banana Republic.
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What a nice blue dress, I bought a similar one for my girlfriend, but hers is light red. I think this kind of dresses make girls look a few more pretty, and also their boobs look bigger.
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