Thank you, I didn't know that.
Please don't pat my head when you say that. I bite.
My petite frame makes high heels a painful necessity but makes my attraction to taller men stronger. There's something about taller guys I like...a lot.
A friend once asked if I would date a guy shorter than me and I replied, "is he even legal?" Most people shorter than me are under the age of 18 or haven't hit puberty yet. And to answer your question, yes he was shorter than me and he was my age. I just can't do that.
I'm also the shortest female in my family. My family genes mock me by giving my other family members the height gene, but I like to think I scored higher on the intelligence scale ;)
My parents comment that I'm little too. So I politely told my dad that since he helped make me, maybe he have talked to his sperm about making that height gene a little more dominant. Gross. I know. I makes me sick too after I said it. *shudder*
Sadly, I do wish I was a little bit taller for a few reasons:
- I don't have to stand on a chair to reach just about everything
- No more "petite" length pants or constant alterations
- I can wear flats all the time!
- I don't have to sit in down in the front of pictures with the kids
- When I hug my tall friends, my arms will wrap around them above their waist (it looks creepy)
- The "short" jokes/comments/jabs can end
But there is one thing I do like about being petite, when my dad says, "good things come in small packages," I can always reply, "yes I do!"
I remember from the high heels post that many of you commented that you're also petite or fortunate enough to be tall. What do you love or hate about your height. And no mean jokes please!
Reader note: Thank you everyone for the awesome feedback and comments about my second attempt at online dating. I will definitely keep everyone posted on my progress :)