Which means, in true Bachelor fashion, it's time to have a DVR rose ceremony and I need your help.

(I just grabbed this image to fit the post topic, I don't think he is attractive)
I've listed below some shows that could be on the cutting block from my DVR series manager.
Let me know what shows should receive a rose tonight and what can be sent packing. I've already eliminated Best Week Ever, so it's time to do some mid-winter cleaning.
Let me know what shows should receive a rose tonight and what can be sent packing. I've already eliminated Best Week Ever, so it's time to do some mid-winter cleaning.
- Daily Show (still a Colbert Report addict!)
- My Name is Earl
- Grey's Anatomy
- Samantha Who?
- Real Housewives of Orange County (the ladies are getting on my nerves)
- Say Yes to the Dress
- Fringe
- Scrubs
- Nip/Tuck
- 90210
- Ace of Cakes
- Iron Chef America
- Chuck
So now you know what might have to leave my DVR family, but what show(s) would you never remove from your TV schedule? Or, if you have DVR, can you imagine watching TV without it ever again?
Mine absolute keepers include: Top Chef, the Office and 30 Rock. Definitely the Office, even though it hasn't been so great lately. Grumble, grumble. Fingers crossed the Super Bowl episode doesn't suck.
Reader note: Wow. I was completely blown away at the response to Tuesday's crying post. I agree with many of the comments, specifically that it doesn't make you weak and of course, if you can wait to cry in private, that's preferred. But sometimes when the urge comes, you can't stop it. If I cry in front of people, I end up crying more because I'm mad that I'm crying and can't stop myself. It's a weird triangle of emotion.
In response to those who feel crying at work does make you weak, I see your point, to a certain extent. I hope that we can all agree that crying in private or with your closest friends is the best way to do it, if that's an option :)
And welcome to all the new commenters! It was great to hear from you.
Reader note: Wow. I was completely blown away at the response to Tuesday's crying post. I agree with many of the comments, specifically that it doesn't make you weak and of course, if you can wait to cry in private, that's preferred. But sometimes when the urge comes, you can't stop it. If I cry in front of people, I end up crying more because I'm mad that I'm crying and can't stop myself. It's a weird triangle of emotion.
In response to those who feel crying at work does make you weak, I see your point, to a certain extent. I hope that we can all agree that crying in private or with your closest friends is the best way to do it, if that's an option :)
And welcome to all the new commenters! It was great to hear from you.